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Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan Torrent Download [portable Edition]

About This Game Somewhere, in the farthest corner of Russia, you can find him: the great Russian superhero Dead Ivan! Surrounded by the most common stereotypes, he's armed with a chainsaw full of magic and is always ready for a fight! Where else can you meet a bear in boots with a balalaika and ride along with him on the back of a dragon while shooting insidious geese?Only here, at:Motherland of Dead Ivan! Within this game you might find:- Many enemies: monsters, zombies, skeletons, Count Dracula, mushrooms, and the most terrifying of them all, geese!- 5 different types of magic!- Total freedom of action!- Puzzles!- Lots of gold!- Jokes!- Democracy and intriguing storyline!- And jokes! Oh, I already listed that, sorry. 1075eedd30 Title: Russian SuperHero Dead IvanGenre: Casual, IndieDeveloper:Anatoliy LoginovskikhPublisher:Sometimes YouRelease Date: 19 Oct, 2016 Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan Torrent Download [portable Edition] russian superhero dead ivan badge. russian superhero dead ivan This game is life changing.. That name used to mean something less than a year ago. It wasn't a game, back then. It was an ideal, a game that existed only because we wanted it to. The world would be better with it's presence, we thought. Gaming would never be the same if it appeared; like an atom bomb, it would change the way we looked at things forever.It has now been over a year since that name was brought from shadow, to spotlight, and now discussion. What do we have now, six DLCs down the road and plenty of time to sink in hour upon hour?PROSITIVES:THE COLOR BLUE: While New Vegas might have been in a dusty desert, brown in excess is never a good thing. Fallout 4 finally gives us some richer colors to stare at. Metal foundries turned Raider Strongholds have fiery hues to inflame our anger towards injustice. The countryside has pleasantly clean skies and lush vegitation in the remains of old highways and parks. Rad storms and the poisoned Glowing Sea cast a harsh green glow onto the landscape, flashes of lightning jolting us from our idle stares into the maelstrom above.ACTUAL SHOOTER COMBAT: At long last, 3D Fallout shoots like it should. We can sprint for the first time, quickly moving from cover to play that deadly game of bullet ping-pong. Recoil feels right, and moving guns with a controller isn't linear and stiff, but fluid and responsive, allowing for quick manuvers of sight-hip-repeat. Grenades can be tossed with your rifle out, allowing you to coax opponents out of cover and into your waiting line-of-sight. These tenets of design may be standard on other shooters, but they were lacking in Fallout. And now, it's here and (almost) perfect.A USE FOR EVERYTHING IN THE GAME: Cigarettes, electronics, and chemicals won't be the only things you pick up anymore. Bethesda has put purpose behind every coffee cup, every discarded glass, and more. To let your creative desires flow in your canvases of guns and housing, you'll need the right materials. Every peice of junk you come across has little salvagable components within themselves that you can then use to make useful things. Want to construct a wonderful bungalow for your character out of a gas station? You'll need steel and wood-and both of things exist in clipboards and tin cans. With the exception of folders, you'll find yourself reaching for whatever isn't welded to the floor.AN ARSENAL AS CREATIVE AS YOU: Previously, every raider has the same rifle as a soldier. Fallout 4's crafting system allows for what New Vegas tried to do: mods that made your gun yours. Enemies can have weapons creatively-tuned or plain as paper; one raider's ramshackle rifle has a tuned receiver or a hair-trigger, while another's Pipe Pistol is just a tool for the job. But with the right perks and parts, you can make very special armor and weapons for yourself. Why have a Standard Laser Rifle when you can tweak it to scatter beams or incinerate to disintigrate? Why have just a Leather Chestpeice when you can shadow it to sneak and stab? Your character can be as unique as your tools.BETHESDA'S BEST ARMOR SYSTEM YET: Fallout 3 and NV had only three slots: Face, Hat, and Body. Skyrim got closer, segmenting the body into Greaves, Boots, Torso, and with Necklaces and Rings to boot. Now we have something magical: from top to bottom, Hat, Eyes, Face, Left arm, Torso, Right arm, Left leg, and Right leg, and a new "underarmor" slot for close-skin clothing that can be worn underneath your armor. Mix and match for effectiveness or looks, but regardless, it's diverse.BEYOND THE BIG FINALE: The game will go as long as you let it. No DLCs required to expand the level cap-it's already cranked up to infinity. Build the most impossibly powerful individual for as long as you keep playing. And when the ending hits, your survivor keeps walking to mop up leftover quest and locked perks.FROM COMPANIONS TO SOULMATES: Past games had their share of good pals to support the sadness of the wastes, and this game keeps that bar high. Each companion has their own stories, likes, dislikes, dreams and hopes. They routinely make subtle movements and little dialogue quirks that bring real people out of virtual constructs. And with their perks being unlocks rather than presence-based, you're welcome to try them all.A FLAVORED CAST OF VOICE ACTORS: Bethesda's past ventures often had small crews of common voices, but they've done something with this one that prevents dialogue from going stale audio-wise. I can't quite put my finger on it...bigger cast? Similar voices? Regardless, it's better here.PLASTIC SURGERY REFINED: The character creator in this game's absolutely phenomenal. Dials and numbers become a stretch-and-pull plethora of wonderful options of any face and body shape you can think of. Channing Tatum or horrible scar-rack? Your choice.CONNATIVESTHE STORY: Truth be told, it's not that bad. It has about one good twist, but that's it. Granted, the main story wasn't the spotlight in these games.PRESTON AND HIS MERRY MEN: Alright, the Minutemen are a great way of discovering workshoops and places to build settlements. This is ruined by the fact you have to babysit your territory while the okay-companion Preston is forced to become a pez-dispenser of "do this' quest. Trimming down the quest he gives or the amount of workshops you can have and use would easily make this better to bear, but presently it's a pain that hinders your desire to build in different places.POWER ARMOR: In addition to canonicly making no sense at all, the Power Armor system, while cool and interesting, isn't extrememly needed or even utilized. You can mix and match peices onto a frame, and there's an alright system in place for making your own extreme exosuit, but your parts can take damage and break off of you, requiring more scrap to fix. You're also slower in it and using it will require Fusion Cores, a costly fuel source that makes constant use an impossibliity. By the time you have plenty of gas, your player will often be stronger apart than with Power Armor.OLD PROBLEMS THAT LINGER: New songs sit in the radio-about two of them. The rest are re-used from older games, leading to a quickly-annoying earworm generator that's even more grating than the previous titles. AI still gets stuck in places and onto things, animations are still not flawless (but better.) This is the only Fallout game I had where I actually completed every quest in one run, leaving nothing to do. The Armor system doesn't allow you to wear EVERYTHING (would it kill to make all common clothes underarmor?) And of course, bugs on bugs.THE DIALOGUE WHEEL: In an attempt to trim dialogue, Bethesda made every encounter have four dialogue options. This wouldn't be as bad as it is if every option you choose is described in two words or less, so you'll never know exactly what you'll say. The biggest gripe is the "sarcastic" option. It's never described as "yes" or "no", just "sarcastic." It's ridiculous.THE VERDICTAPPROVED-Worth a buy.A year later, this game is still giving. Still, I find new things to do, new contraptions to build, and new adventures even after plenty of hours more than my friends. Though all in all, I have to say this is a weaker RPG for Bethesda. It's a greater shooter, no doubt, but it's no RPG, and for some people, that's all Fallout was. I understand that frustration.But in all of the bad, remember this: this game almost went the route of No Man's Sky. Hype infatuated so high, hopes set to an unreachble bar, that when the product finally dropped, the flaws that were there clashed so intensly with our impossible ideal. Now, UNLIKE No Man's Sky, this game actually did meet many of it's promises, thankfully. But make no mistake, this is not the game you see in the Announcement Trailer.At least, not without Far Harbor.. At the begin it looks a little glitchy, but it is a game that is just released so this is normal in some way, It gets funny sometimes once u get past the first part, But you gotta get to know Ivan! Our jesus walks on water, russian jesus walks trough fire Random, Makes no sense. when i was young i lived in africa. i used to go hunting to get food. i ussually uas eating frogs and bugs .then one day i found an old computer so i took it home. sadly it didnt worked but i somehow maneged to repair it using my powers that eating frogs gave me. but ,this game this game completed my life. my parrents sold me on e bay because i was only playing this game . now i live happily , still a virgin in my box playing this game. 12/10 would kill myself again!!!11!. ing Russians. Gotta get dem berries berries berries.No but seriously tho upon opening the game my anti virus recomended my deleting it immeadiately. I said no not today to Norton 360, and now I regret it.. Best 65 cents I ever spent. Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan is a game that I can't recommend because:- it's not worth the money- it has no storyline- the animations are poor- it is unplayable- it is full of bugs- it is pointless- it is boring- the graphics aren't that good- the soundtrack is pretty bad- the only good reason to install this game is for the trading cards. Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan is a uhh dunno lol a game maybe. There ain't a story so I can't tell much but you play as a naked russian Gandalf. You just go from level to the other till the credits Start rolling. You have some magic left and a chainsaw working without electricity tho.There are different enemies through the levels. Monsters, Zombies, Skeletons, Count Dracula *yup the real deal*, Mushrooms *better than any dealer in your neighborhood believe me* and the most terrifying of them all the geese. They keep flying past you even after you said "You shall not pass су.ка бл.ять". You have to show 'em who is running this using a kalashnikov probably AK-47 can't tell because the graphics.There are five different types of magic. 1.Fire ball2.Cold water3.Fire4.Laser beam5.Sheep lots of 'emThe gameplay is kinda bad WASD for movement, J for Magic, K for the chainsaw and Space for actions. There ain't any options so you can't change key Bindings, Audio volume, Video Options or anything. It support Gamepad.To chop down the trees or to kill anything you need to be under it to deal damage.The sound FX are way too hilarious in the first ten mins playing after that it becomes boring and the soundtrack itself is meeh.You get tree card drops of five cards badge. But still one dollar is way to high you can sleep with your best friend's Girlfriend for half of that price lol.The game starts with the word TRASH. The creator didn't even change "Game Maker: Studio" in the title bar with the game's name tho.If you are interested in reading and discussing reviews. Check

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